2nd USCLA Battery D

Battery "D" was organized from the 2nd Louisiana Battery, African Descent. It was organized at Black River Bridge in Mississippi on December 21, 1863. The Battery was attached to Post of Vicksburg, Miss., District of Vicksburg until March, 1864. Then, sent to Goodrich Landing, Louisiana through April 1864. A detachment of Battery D was sent to Fort Pillow, Tennessee. They were attacked on April 12, 1864 by Confederate Nathan Bedford Forrest's Cavalry.

About six months later, Pvt. Peter Boyd from Franklin enlisted at Goodrich Landing on September 1, 1864. The Battery was then assigned to the Department of Mississippi until December 1865. The Battery mustered out on December 28, 1865.

Pvt. Peter Boyd served in Battery D. Aftering being born in Franklin he was likely sold or taken to Louisiana before the WAr. He enlisted there in 1864 and lived in Madison County, Louisiana following the War. In 1896 he applied for a pension.

A detachment of Battery D was sent to Fort Pillow where they were attacked on April 12, 1864 by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest Cavalry. Sgt. Sam Miller was shot in the head and killed.